Starting June 1st, 2023 Our warehouse fee will be $0.65/cubic foot per month

In effort to lower the warehouse storage fee during inflation, we have went narrow aisle racking.This construction took us four months but the project is finally completed. With narrow aisle racking, we are able to drop storage by 24%.We as partners will go through this inflation together.




Demurrage and Detention: Understanding the Critical Differences

    In the intricate world of logistics, understanding demurrage and detention is crucial for businesses managing global supply chains. These two elements, demurrage and detention, wield significant influence over the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of container usage. This blog aims to unravel the complexities surrounding demurrage and detention, providing insights into their distinct functions and the consequential impact on cargo journeys.

    Demurrage and detention

    What do demurrage and detention entail for buyers in the shipping industry?

    Are you a prospective buyer seeking clarification on demurrage and detention? If so, this article is tailored to meet your informational needs. Delving into the intricacies of demurrage and detention, we elucidate the interconnection between these terms and underscore their significance in the realm of trade.

    Although both may entail financial implications, there is no need for apprehension. With a comprehensive understanding of logistics, demurrage and detention emerge as integral components of your cargo's expedition, playing a pivotal role in meticulously orchestrated and seamlessly operational global supply chains.

    What do demurrage and detention entail for buyers in the shipping industry?

    Some other definitions related to this topic:

    What distinguishes demurrage from detention? 

    In the realm of logistics, demurrage and detention often go hand in hand, forming integral components of the overall operational framework. While distinct in nature, these two elements are intricately connected.

    • Demurrage refers to the duration during which loaded containers remain within the terminal. This timeframe is calculated from the moment the containers are unloaded from the vessel or train until they are retrieved at the port, commonly referred to as being "gated out."

    • Detention, on the other hand, pertains to the period when containers are situated outside the terminal. It is measured from the point of retrieving the containers at the port while they are filled to the subsequent return to the port or a depot once they are emptied. For importers, this phase typically corresponds to the time allocated for the unpacking process.

    What distinguishes demurrage from detention? 

    What is free time?

    In the realm of logistics, "free time," also known as standard free time, delineates the allotted timeframe during which a carrier extends to its clientele for demurrage and/or detention activities, without incurring any associated charges.

    What are demurrage and detention charges in shipping?

    Upon reaching its destination, the journey of the container doesn't conclude; instead, customers are required to return it to a mutually agreed-upon location, such as a port, container terminal, or depot. This step ensures the container's availability for reuse in subsequent shipments, contributing to the seamless movement of millions of containers globally.

    The timely return of containers is paramount to the efficient functioning of the shipping industry. Failure to adhere to the designated free time provided by carriers results in demurrage and detention penalty charges. These charges are triggered when containers exceed the allowed time either at the destination terminal awaiting pickup or when customers delay the return of empty containers to the port.

    What are demurrage and detention charges in shipping?

    It's crucial to note that free time allowances vary among different ports and carriers, underscoring the importance of vigilance when arranging shipments. At WorldCraft Logistics, we prioritize transparency in our operations. We display free time details alongside pricing information during the booking process, enabling customers to plan their shipments meticulously. Should the allocated free time prove insufficient, additional detention days can be purchased at the time of import booking, ensuring ample time for strategic cargo arrival planning at the desired destination.

    Container detention & demurrage: key takeaways

    Supplier access to container usage is contingent upon allocated free time, after which charges are levied for extended use.

    In the intricate journey of cargo logistics, demurrage and detention stand as distinct yet interconnected elements.

    Demurrage charges are incurred exclusively during a container's stay within a terminal, acting as a measure to prevent prolonged storage at the port.

    Penalty fees for demurrage serve as a deterrent against extended port storage, ensuring efficient container turnover.

    Detention, on the other hand, accounts for the duration a container remains outside the port premises. Should the consignee surpass the allotted free time for container retention, detention fees are imposed. Essentially, a detention charge is enforced when the container fails to be returned to the carrier within the stipulated time frame.

    Container detention & demurrage key takeaways


    In conclusion, demurrage and detention serve as integral components in the realm of cargo logistics. This blog has aimed to shed light on the distinct roles these elements play, providing businesses with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. As the logistics landscape continues to evolve, mastering the intricacies of demurrage and detention is key to ensuring the smooth flow of cargo across the global supply chain.

    Simon Mang


    Digital Marketing/SEO Specialist

    Simon Mang is an SEO and Digital Marketing expert at Wordcraft Logistics. With many years of experience in the field of digital marketing, he has shaped and built strategies to effectively promote Wordcraft Logistics' online presence. With a deep understanding of the logistics industry, I have shared more than 300 specialized articles on many different topics.

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