Starting June 1st, 2023 Our warehouse fee will be $0.65/cubic foot per month

In effort to lower the warehouse storage fee during inflation, we have went narrow aisle racking.This construction took us four months but the project is finally completed. With narrow aisle racking, we are able to drop storage by 24%.We as partners will go through this inflation together.




Improved Seasonal Distribution: Lowe's Invests in Warehouses for Efficient Goods Storage

    Improved Seasonal Distribution: Lowe's Invests in Warehouses for Efficient Goods Storage

    Retailer’s strategy differs from other businesses that have focused on opening new distribution centers

    A Lowe’s store in Houston

    Lowe's Cos. has implemented a distinctive approach to upgrade inventory management and distribution efficiency by introducing more warehouses for off-season goods. In a $1.7 billion investment, Lowe's has integrated e-commerce fulfillment centers into its supply chain to enable faster online order fulfillment. Additionally, the company has invested in new "import distribution centers" across the US to store seasonal and outdoor living products until demand arises, providing flexibility in product flow.

    By holding merchandise along the supply chain until necessary, Lowe's can release capacity in its other logistics facilities and avoid marking down inventory in stores where there isn't demand. The company has established a network of six import distribution centers across Pennsylvania, California, Georgia, and Nanticoke, Pennsylvania.

    Although many retailers have established fulfillment centers to hasten order fulfillment and delivery times, withholding products until necessary can assist retailers in reducing transportation costs. Professor of Marketing, Lauren Beitelspacher, suggests that stowing products until demand arises enables retailers to avoid the additional costs of transporting goods between stores when one store runs out of stock.

    Over the past five years, Lowe's has added 16 million square feet of space to its logistics operations as part of its supply-chain expansion. This has allowed the company to enhance inventory management, distribution efficiency, and release capacity in its logistics facilities.

    Lowe's Q4 sales report revealed a 1.5% decline in comparable sales. However, e-commerce sales grew 5% compared to the same period last year, attributed to strong appliance sales. Lowe's investment in its supply chain aims to improve its e-commerce capabilities, allowing the company to compete more effectively with rival Home Depot and other retailers, as e-commerce sales continue to increase.


    Mint Nguyen

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