Starting June 1st, 2023 Our warehouse fee will be $0.65/cubic foot per month

In effort to lower the warehouse storage fee during inflation, we have went narrow aisle racking.This construction took us four months but the project is finally completed. With narrow aisle racking, we are able to drop storage by 24%.We as partners will go through this inflation together.

Cargo Insurance

How to fill out the insurance form

This guide is to help you complete our company Insurance Request form.

Download insurance form
cargo insurance
  • 1. “Name of shipper”- Input your supplier’s name
  • 2. “Date of request” – Input the date of when this document will be sent to us
  • 3. “Type of coverage” – We only offer “all risk”.
  • 4. “How shipment is packed” – If Ocean LCL or Full container, please use “Containerized”
  • 5. “Commodity Description”- Input all commodities that are in your shipment that you want the insurance to cover
  • 6. “Insured value / freight charges / additional insurance”- Input the total commercial invoice amount for the “insured value” section. The rest will be automatically generated.
  • 7. “name of assured” – Input your company name
  • 8. “please attached any L/C wording that needs to be typed” – Please leave blank if your don’t have a letter credit agreement with the buyer or seller.
  • 9. “your company name” – Input your company’s name
  • 10. “your company address”- Input your company’s information/address
  • 11. “your name” “e-mail address”- input your name and your e-mail address
  • 12. The rest will be filled out by our office which is are details from your cargo and from where to where will this insurance be covering your cargo
  • 13. After this form is completed, we will purchase the insurance and forward you the certificate of insurance.
  • 14. The insurance has a $500 USD deductible. A $500 deductible means the first $500 of lost or damage will not be covered by the policy.