Starting June 1st, 2023 Our warehouse fee will be $0.65/cubic foot per month
In effort to lower the warehouse storage fee during inflation, we have went narrow aisle racking.This construction took us four months but the project is finally completed. With narrow aisle racking, we are able to drop storage by 24%.We as partners will go through this inflation together.
The Port of Los Angeles, in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), is set to commence work on a $130 million transportation initiative this month.
Port authorities have unveiled plans for a transportation project targeting a vital intersection at State Route 47 (SR 47)/Vincent Thomas Bridge and Front Street/Harbor Boulevard in San Pedro.
The project's primary goal is to revamp the interchange, aiming to slash travel times, ease congestion, and bolster safety for motorists and pedestrians navigating this heavily traversed roadway nexus.
Tim McOsker, a Los Angeles City Councilmember, emphasized the pressing need for action: "We've all witnessed the escalating mix of trucks and passenger vehicles at the Harbor Blvd./SR47 Interchange, posing challenges and safety hazards for both cargo movement and residents' daily commutes."
"I'm pleased that we're embarking on this substantial endeavor, poised to not only enhance traffic safety and cargo flow but also accommodate the vibrant waterfront redevelopment," he added.
McOsker emphasized the broader impact of the project, stating, "This interchange overhaul will significantly elevate traffic safety in our communities while enhancing Port operations and traffic management. As the nation's premier port complex, it's imperative that we continually upgrade our infrastructure to meet growing demands, including road networks."
👉See more articles: Top 10 largest ports in the US
The SR 47/Vincent Thomas Bridge and Front Street/Harbor Boulevard interchange has been upgraded to better connect San Pedro, Wilmington, Terminal Island, and the West Basin Container Terminal.
Under the reconfiguration project, the southbound SR 47 off-ramp from the Vincent Thomas Bridge is being replaced with a new off-ramp on the north side.
The port authorities have highlighted additional modifications, including realigning the existing on-ramp to the northbound Interstate 110 link, adjusting the northbound SR 47 off-ramp into Harbor Boulevard, and altering the northbound SR 47 on-ramp onto the bridge toward Terminal Island.
Reportedly, Knoll Drive will also undergo realignment to accommodate a new on/off ramp system as part of the street renovations.
Front Street and Harbour Boulevard are set for a revamp, including enhancements such as new curbs, storm drain improvements, upgraded street lighting, better traffic signals, the addition of bike lanes, and installation of ADA-compliant curb ramps and crosswalks.
Commencing this month, preliminary construction kicks off, with the entire project scheduled for completion by 2026.
Skanska, a prominent global construction and development corporation, secured the project contract from the Port after a rigorous competitive bidding process.
Announced in January, the Port of Los Angeles revealed that the grand opening of the newly constructed Wilmington Waterfront Promenade is scheduled for February 3, 2024.
The above information has been verified based on the official report of This news was edited by Worldcraft Logistics to bring new information to readers. If there are errors or corrections required, please contact us via the link below.
Digital Marketing/SEO Specialist
Simon Mang is an SEO and Digital Marketing expert at Wordcraft Logistics. With many years of experience in the field of digital marketing, he has shaped and built strategies to effectively promote Wordcraft Logistics' online presence. With a deep understanding of the logistics industry, I have shared more than 300 specialized articles on many different topics.
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