Starting June 1st, 2023 Our warehouse fee will be $0.65/cubic foot per month

In effort to lower the warehouse storage fee during inflation, we have went narrow aisle racking.This construction took us four months but the project is finally completed. With narrow aisle racking, we are able to drop storage by 24%.We as partners will go through this inflation together.




USA Export & Import to Benefit as Vietnam Joins World Logistics Passport Network

    USA Export & Import to Benefit as Vietnam Joins World Logistics Passport Network

    Exciting news for the logistics industry in Vietnam and the USA! The World Logistics Passport (WLP) program has recently signed agreements with the Vietnam Logistics Business Association (VLA) and the UAE Embassy, marking the official launch of the program in the country. This is a huge step forward for Vietnam's position as a leading hub for logistics and commerce in the region, and offers great benefits for the USA in terms of export and import.

    At the signing ceremony and launch forum, WLP and its partner organizations and businesses signed specific implementation agreements for the program, including Vietjet Air, Saigon Premier Container Terminal, Saigon Port, Gemadept Port, Lotus Port, and Sotrans Logistics. This collaboration between WLP and these key players in the Vietnamese logistics industry is set to revolutionize the way goods are transported, both domestically and internationally, and provides a more efficient and streamlined shipment process for the USA.

    Vietnamese businesses participating in the WLP program will experience a range of benefits, including reduced costs, saved time, and support for their networks to eliminate trade barriers. This means that Vietnamese businesses will have access to new markets, both domestically and globally, and the ability to expand their reach like never before, offering new opportunities for the USA to export and import goods.

    The successful implementation of the WLP program will not only benefit Vietnamese businesses, but it will also facilitate trade and logistics activities between Vietnam and countries within the program, particularly in African and Latin American markets. This is great news for both importers and exporters as it will create new opportunities and streamline the shipment process, providing a more efficient and cost-effective solution for the USA.

    WLP, founded by Dubai, is a global initiative aimed at facilitating international trade flows and has been successful in establishing itself as a leading player in the industry. With Vietnam now officially on board, the country is expected to play a crucial role in the WLP network, further solidifying its position as a strategic transshipment and manufacturing center in the region.

    So, what does this all mean for the future of logistics and commerce in Vietnam and the USA? The launch of the WLP program in Vietnam is a huge step forward and has the potential to bring about significant positive changes for both industries. With reduced costs, saved time, and access to new markets, the future is looking bright for Vietnamese businesses and the USA's export and import industries. Get ready to see the shipment of exports and imports to and from Vietnam soar!

    Harley Nguyen

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